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4 months and 20 days

12 Aug

That’s exactly how long it’s been since I’ve updated this page. I won’t even begin to tell you how much has changed in my life since then.

I don’t just mean events, jobs, or relationships. I mean mindset, experiences, and emotional changes. My life is taking an interesting turn. Whether for the better or the worst remains to be seen.

It’s strange how so much can change in such a short span of time. So much has changed even in the last 3 weeks. Scary… But at the same time so exciting.

I think one of the worst things in life is if your life comes to a stand still and becomes stagnant. No change, nothing exciting to look forward to. Now THAT’S scary.

I think rambling is allowed for your first blog post in 4 months. Till next time.


Who wants a perfect life?

21 Mar

It’s the thought of imperfection that excites me.


8 Mar

There comes a time in life… Where need to start following your brain, and stop following your heart.

There comes a time

3 Mar

Ever sit around talking to random people and it hits you. Like a baseball out of nowhere, it hits you so hard it knocks the living hell out of you. What are you doing? What are you doing in your life at this instant? Why are you doing the things you are doing?

This is not a midlife crisis. I’m only 24. Changes must be made.

Remnants of a simply soft meal…

8 Aug


Food! Glorious food…

7 Aug

Many things that we do in life, we take for granted. For instance… Breathing, smelling, being able to look around and see, to jump, to walk, to laugh. Many of these things we take for granted.

This week, I have learnt to appreciate the ability to EAT! I got my wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday, and have been unable to eat solid foods since then. MAN have I learnt to appreciate the ability to chew, savor foods, and then swallow! Having had to drink liquids for the last 4 days has been torture. All I can think of is solid foods that I want to eat!

When you’re hungry at work, all you need to do is go grab a snack at the gas station, and you’re good to go! When it has to be a soft food item, that greatly limits the number of things you can buy! If you really think about it, there’s not much out there for the toothless– especially if you want it to be tasty.

Maybe I should go into the soft foods business… I’ll make a lot of money selling to old people! Or people who don’t take care of their teeth. From now on, I’m going to make sure this never happens to me again. I will take SUCH good care of my teeth, they won’t even know what hit them!


10 days too late…

16 Apr

10 days too late… But not a minute too early. This post is to remember a good friend, co-worker, and person– Darrel Allen. It’s been a year since you died… And not a minute goes by without any of us thinking about you. I’m sorry I haven’t gone by to visit you in a year, but the next time I’m in San Antonio I promise I will drop by.

The world and the streets are not the same without you. When your name is brought up at our lunches, it always fills our faces with laughter and good memories. I dropped by the Westin today, and it reminded me of all the good times we had together. We miss you Darrel… Life is just not the same without you.


It’s midnight…

13 Apr

Okay so it’s not quite midnight. It’s close enough though! Might as well be considering I have to get up in 5 hours. 4 months later and I bring you another totally rare but awesome post! WHY would I be up at 1130 at night if I have to be up at 430 in the morning you may ask?

It’s because I’ve really been asleep since 8! Just got up to take a shower and get ready to go back to bed… OH the life of an Enterprise slave! That’s pretty much how my days run now. Enterprise, eat, sleep. Enterprise, eat, sleep. 11 hours a day, 5 days a week. Throw in a day of errand running and occasional movie night and that’s pretty much my life now! Don’t feel bad for me! (As sucky and pathetic my life may sound.) Summer is here! Bring on the tubing, bbqs, sand volleyball, and laying out by the pool!! My favorite time of the year 🙂 Mostly just because I can get a tan and it makes me look skinnier!

I’m working out at the airport now, and honestly I love it. It’s a much more simpler time than working in town. I like simple. Simple is good! However, I do get tired of 250-300+ reservation days. Bring back 22 reservations a day! Bring back sitting in a chair and not standing out in the heat! Bring back breakfast taco Fridays!

Which reminds me… I’m hungry. Mmmm… What to eat.


It’s been a while…

19 Dec

Hey guys. It’s been a while since I’ve last written in here. GOD so much has happened since then. I’ve gotten a new job an Enterprise in Austin and have been living up there during the weekday and driving down to San Antonio during the weekend. And the weeks go on and on. UNTIL NEXT WEEK! I am moving into my new apartment in Austin next week! No more driving back and forth every week. No more living out of bags and having to decide what to do with myself weeks ahead of time so I can plan! I am unbelievably excited!! And I LOVE my new apartment! It’s big and awesome!

Christmas is coming and I MUST say, it’s kinda odd not having to buy a mountain of presents for people since my family is not here! I miss having to brave the crowds and fight off the ravaging crazed christmas crowds. But then again, I save money. So… what to do?

New Years will be awesome! I plan on spending all weekend starting a new year by getting my apartment ready! IT WILL BE EXCITING! This year, I promise to make resolutions that I WILL KEEP. I know I say that every year, but I didn’t do too shabby for the year 2010. I kept most of my resolutions for the most part of the year! YEA. THAT’S RIGHT.

My one BIG resolution? Eat more home cooked food aka save more money!


Food For Thought

23 Aug

Books. Remember way back when when our parents told us to read more, so we waddled over to our book shelves, perused the large selection of dusty, piled up stack of books, and then selected one, waddled to a comfy chair, sat down, and opened a book? Remember the smell of old books, or the feeling of crisp pages of a new one?

Now? What does the new generation do when they want to read a book? Download it. Pick up your Kindle, iPad, or Nook, search for it on an online store, and then select “Download” or “Buy”. Is it the same reading these books? Is it taking out some of the enjoyment of actual “reading”?

I can’t say I actually know. I have never downloaded a book. I have printed stuff out from online to read it as I personally find it difficult to read a book on my computer with the glare and the multi-colored dots. I have not, however, tried reading from an eBook reader! Not more than 10 minutes ago, I picked up a Nook at Barnes and Noble, and actually thought of buying one! The screen looks exactly like a book! There is no way of telling it was not an actual page. (Well, the fact that the whole book was touchscreen, flat, and white was a total giveaway.)

Am I about to succumb to the ridiculousness of book-substitution? That is a possibility. After all, I am saving the trees by not buying products made of paper! (: Now the question is, Nook, Kindle, or iPad?
